
The word comes from Hebrew: יד, “hand”. Yad is made of metal, usually silver, or ivory, with the tip in the shape of a tight hand, with the index finger stretched out. It serves to read the Torah, to follow the lines, without touching or damaging the parchment with the finger.

Yad Friedmann Jakab

  • Length of yad: 28 cm  
  • Case (box) dimensions: 31 cm long, 9 cm wide, 4,3 cm high
  •    Location: private collection (Lucian Dragomir)

A special yad in that it is personalized and in the fact that it is in its original case, in the collection of Lucian Dragomir, France. It is made of silver-plated brass, engraved with the name of the owner “Friedmann Jakab”, prime chorister for 31 years in the neolog synagogue of Fabric, Timişoara, died March 21, 1926. Age: late nineteenth century - early twentieth century

Epoca: sfârşitul secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX