Robert Doron Reisz

1964, Lugoj – 2020, Timişoara

Sociologist and political scientist in the field of education

Robert Doron Reisz was a professor at the Department of Political Science of the West University of Timisoara and dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences.

He was born into a Jewish family. His father, Gheorghe Reisz, was a biochemist with works published in specialized magazines abroad, plastic artist and author of studies and chronicles in the field of art and Judaism. His Mother, Eve, born Mizrahi, is a doctor.

He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at the West University of Timişoara in 1988. An employee of the West University since 1990, Robert D. Reisz held the title of professor since 2009, initially at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and since 2012, in within the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences. He was Dean of this faculty during 2016-2018. He became a Doctor of Computer Science from UVT in 2000 and a graduate of the same University in 2014.

His research and teaching activity covered multiple areas, such as: social statistics, educational systems, education policies, migration, etc.

Robert Doron Reisz was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Timișoara in the presence of a crowd of 400 people. On February 4, 2020, President Klaus Iohannis posthumously awarded him the National Order "Faithful Service" in the rank of Knight.

He was passionate about jazz and classical music, and in turn a performer. He has published nine books, numerous articles in journals and 30 book chapters.

Books and book chapters (Selection)

  • Ioan Despi, Gheorghe Petrov, Robert D. Reisz, Aurel Stepan, General database theory, Mirton Publishing House, Timișoara, 1998, 481 p
  • Robert D. Reisz, Stochastic models for the social sciences, Western University Publishing House, Timişoara, 2002, 186 p.
  • Juliana Körnert, Robert D. Reisz, Arne Schildberg, Manfred Stock, Hochschulentwicklung in Europa 1950 –2000. Ein Datenkompendium, Hof Arbeitsberichte, no. 3 / 2005, 171 p.
  • Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Inklusion in Hochschulen. Beteiligung an der Hochschulbildung und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa und in den USA (1950-2000). Lemmens Verlag, Bonn, 2007, 149 p.
  • Enrique Fernandez Darraz, Gero Lenhardt, Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Private Hochschulen in Chile, Deutschland, Rumänien, USA-Struktur und Entwicklung, Hof Arbeitsberichte, no. 3 / 2009, 116p.
  • Enrique Fernandez Darraz, Gero Lenhardt, Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Hochschulprivatisierungund akademische Freiheit. Jenseits von Markt und Staat: Hochschulen in der Weltgesellschaft, Transcript Verlag, Science Studies Reihe, Bielefeld, Oktober 2010, 197p.
  • Essays on universities and other topics, European Institute Publishing House, 2017
  • About the fertility of errors, Trei Publishing House, 2018 Editura Trei, 2018


  • Communication of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Sciences, West University of Timişoara from February 4, 2020.
  • Information from the Internet
  • Interviews with Gheorghe and Eva Reisz published in the volume coordinated by Smaranda Vultur, Saved memory. The Jews of Banat, yesterday and today, Polirom Publishing House 2002 Memoria salvată. Evreii din Banat, ieri şi azi, Editura Polirom 2002