Black marble star from Tunner's carver's workshop in the Jewish cemetery in Timișoara.

Star of David – symbol of Judaism
Two hands with thumbs touching and the other 4 fingers joined in pairs, in the gesture of priestly blessing, means that the deceased was a Kohn or Cohen ('priest' in Hebrew), descendant of the great biblical priest Aaron, brother of Moses. The name is inherited from father to son and imposes a special status on those who wear it.
Pei Nun פ”נ sunt inițialele cuvintelor ‘Po Nikbar’ sau ‘Po Nitman’ (‘Aici zace’) şi se regăsesc pe toate pietrele funerare.
Șimon Stenger (capital letters), son of David Kohn, died on 10 Nisan 5672 (March 28, 1912, Gregorian calendar). The Hebrew name of the deceased and the father is engraved, a useful element for those interested in genealogy.
ת נ צ ב ה
The initials of the words in a Bible verse, Samuel 25:29. !May his soul be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord God!