In Memoriam Professor Myriam Yardeni, 2015
Obituary by Miriam Pratt, former student of prof. Myriam YardeniMemories and photos from Agnes Schatteles, née Borgida, former class

1947, Gimnaziul Israelit de fete, Timişoara. Clasa prof. de latină, domnişoara Clara Steiner. Rândul de sus, a doua din dreapta: Marika Jakobovits. A doua din stânga: Agnes Borgida (fotografia de mai sus îi aparține).
Arhivele Agnes Borgida
: Pratt Miriam
Professor Myriam Yardeni (1932, Timisoara – 2015, Haifa) was born as Jakobovits Marika in Timisoara where she attended the „Zsidlic” – Gimnaziul Israelit pentru fete – and Liceul Classic. In 1950 she emigrated to Israel. In the following years she studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and obtained the BA degree in World History and French Culture and MA degree in History. Myriam Yardeni continued her studies in Paris and received her PhD at the University of Sorbonne and also attended the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Back in Israel she joined the staff of the University of Haifa and in 1975 received the rank of Professor and was appointed the Head of World History Department
She founded the Institute for Research of French History and Culture at the Haifa University. In her research she focused on Intellectual Historiography, Early Modern History of France, 16th to 18th century, the Religious Wars, on the religious minorities in particular the Huguenots, Jews and other minorities. Religious persecutions and early modern antisemitism were additional subjects of her research
Her extensive publications and innovative ideas about history positioned her as one of the internationally recognized leading scholars in these fieldsIn 1998 Myriam Yardeni was awarded the Prize of Israel for General History and in 2007 the EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture. In 2001 she retired as Professor Emerita from the University of Haifa but continued her researchI had the privilege to attend her lectures for my BA degree and Professor Yardeni was also my thesis adviser for my MA degree. Her extensive knowledge in history and her innovative ideas were very impressive as well as her kindness and personal warmth. I am very grateful for having been her student
Her death is a big loss for the historical sciences and to everyone who had the privilege of knowing Professor Myriam Yardeni
Agnes Schatteles, née Borgida, former class ma
Memoriile mele personale datează din perioada Zsidlic (Liceul Israelit). Citea enorm şi scria şi publica poezii în maghiară de o maturitate extraordinară. Ce n-aş da să am o copie! Am rămas prietene şi vorbeam din când în când la telefon, pe Skype. O admiram şi mi-a fost foarte dragă. Agnes Schatteles, n. Borgida
My personal memories date back to our time in the Jewish school. She was an avid reader and published poetry written in Hungarian, of extraordinary maturity. I would give everything to have a copy! We stayed friends and talked from time to time on the phone or on Skype. I admired her and loved her a lot. Agnes Schatteles, born Borgida